Sunday, July 5, 2009


The most important thing about yourself is being happy and satisfied with what you do! You can stay happy if you decide to, just by accepting whatever comes your way. But you can remain satisfied only, when you work hard and try to get whatever you want to get. You may or may not get whatever you want but taking those efforts is essensial that keeps you satisfied!
Only a satisfied and happy person can maintain a good and understanding relationship. Being independant even if you are in a relationship is very important. This is a very difficult task because when you see a support you tend to take it and become dependant. And this dependancy does not give you happiness and satisfaction about yourself it just gives you a temporary relif. Take care of your partner but do not expect anything in return which is a very very difficult task too!
When this "dependancy, not being happy and satisfied with yourself" such problems arise in a relationship, best thing to do is take a small break, Be INDEPENDANT! think over, discuss, find out where you are going wrong and correct your own mistakes.

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